Translation & Interpreting

Is It Translation? Or Interpretation?

Although Translation and Interpretation are closely related, they involve different skills that oftentimes complement each other, and even overlap. Simply put, a translation is the written rendition of any document, including books, brochures, contracts, legal rulings, etc.  Interpretation, on the other hand, is the oral delivery of a speech, a conference, or written materials.

It is important to mention that not all interpreters are necessarily translators, and vice versa. However, many professional linguists are both; regardless of the path they choose, competent linguists must hone their skills to ensure they provide excellence in languages.  They do this by regularly attending seminars and conferences, reading a great deal in their working languages and keeping up on neologisms, anachronistic expressions, new developments in different fields of science and technology, current events, and so much more.

As a rule, a translator must have outstanding writing skills and a superior understanding of his or her working languages, including grammar rules and the ability to distinguish between different registers of speech.

In addition to possessing a deep knowledge of the working languages, an interpreter must be capable of switching from one language to another in very little time, while possessing the ability to grasp the intended meaning of what is to be verbally interpreted. In Consecutive Interpretation, where an interpreter provides his or her rendition of a message in the target language while the speaker pauses, outstanding retention and listening skills of the essence. On the other hand in Simultaneous Interpretation, in which the interpreter and the speaker talk at the same time (hence the name “simultaneous”) requires exceptional concentration skills, as it would be virtually impossible to interpret without them. At Baldwin Translation Services, we provide premium quality Interpretation and Translation services, as well as Editing and Proofreading services in all our working languages. To learn more about the language combinations that we offer and our areas of expertise, please refer to the Language Combinations and Areas of Expertise section herein.

The American Translators Association, of which Joséphine is a member, has published two brochures intended to inform consumers and the public at large about translation and interpretation and what they involve.  Please click here to find out more: Buying Translation and Interpreting Services on the ATA’s website, at