
“Ms. Baldwin,

I’ve never sent a thank you note to an interpreter before (and I have been litigating since 1986).   But, I have to say, it was a real pleasure watching you work.

Thank you”.

Geoff Northrop, Esq.

Josephine Baldwin did an excellent job working with my firm and our client in connection with Italian language translations required to record a document in Los Angeles County.  She was very professional and responsive and accommodated our required turnaround time quickly and very cost effectively.  I would recommend Ms. Baldwin to anyone who needs similar translation services. 

Andrew S. Gabriel*, Esq. - McDonald Carano LLP - *Admitted in California and Nevada.

“I have known Josephine Baldwin for many years, as she has worked and still works as a translator and Language professional for a number of organizations of which I have been a part. The different Languages in which she is fluent and the consistent quality of her work have made her the “go-to” translator. Her accurate research procedures, highly professional working method and extremely unusual Language skills are an invaluable asset”.

Maria Faidella, External Resources Manager, Xlations, Barcelona

“Josephine worked at Editorial Planeta as a Multilingual Translator and Interpreter. Although her language skills are impressive, her high professionalism and dedication made her an invaluable asset in our organization”.

Fernando Lara Bosch, Managing Director, Editorial Planeta

“Besides being a highly qualified and professional linguist, Josephine also exhibits a pleasant, cooperative attitude. Since she is fluent in a number of languages, her contribution to our organization is priceless”.

José Cadillac, Director, Protein Technologies International

“A highly skilled, outstanding translator and interpreter! The quality of her work has always been consistent.”

Maite Ferré, ADT Traduccions

“Josephine exhibits an extremely high level of professionalism and dedication. She has translated documents of all kinds, including technical scripts, which were highly accurate and well expressed. She is also very discreet and hard-working, and I trust her completely. What sets her apart is that she strives for perfection and is extremely knowledgeable. I recommend her to any Company or person seeking professionalism, dedication, accuracy and an endless desire to learn”.

Josep Pascual Fradera, Business Manager, RESISA